Allows the content of the email to be adapted to the temperature or for the temperature to be displayed in “Dynamic image”: 

  • At the recipient’s location
  • At a specific location (city)
  • On a specific date (forecast)
  • When the recipient opens the email (in real time)

It is up to you to determine the value. You can make one configuration for a temperature of less than x°C and one for a temperature greater than or equal to x°C.

Available possibilities:

The Default option must be enabled. It has two objectives:

  • If not all options have been selected, the default option will be used to choose the content to be displayed for situations not configured in the scenario.
  • If all options have been selected, the default option will be used to choose the content if one of the options cannot be properly analyzed in real time.

You then have two possibilities:

  • Choose to continue the scenario with new data
  • Choose content to display

The last step is to generate the Block’s links for use in your emails.