
A space integrating Reelevant technology, where you can set up a scenario to be integrated into your HTML with an image.

This block can be updated at any time using a versioning system. Changes are reflected in emails in real-time (even after they are sent) the next time you open each saved version.

A Block involves the use of an image hosting link and a redirect link inserted into your HTML code.


Groups are associated with a message. A group is a collection of all your blocks. Grouping allows you to link together Blocks in the system to show that they are included in a single email and should therefore count as being opened only once for the entire email (for billing purposes). It is therefore very important to link each block to a group. Otherwise, they will not appear in the email. 

This has no effect on the scenario or how the Block functions. You can link up to 10 blocks to a single group.


A scenario refers to the different ways in which the Block will display, depending on your configuration. Examples include devices, operating systems, times of day, the weather, the temperature, customer data, and so on. 

You can combine multiple cases to create more complex scenarios.


Content is what your recipients will see once the different cases of the scenario are set up (the visual rendering in email). 

It may appear in the form of a banner, a countdown, an image created on the fly, or nothing at all. 

Each piece of content is associated with a dynamic redirect link.


These are the different scenarios saved in a Block. There can always be only one current version.


A Block can have 2 status:

  • Draft means that it is under creation.
  • Generated means that you have generated the links to be inserted into your email and that your Block is ready for use.