This is a countdown that updates each time the email is opened.

The countdown is fully configurable, including its style, background image, and duration.

Creating a countdown involves three steps.

1. General setup

  • Select the countdown’s end date
  • Select the countdown’s end time
  • Select the time zone
  • Select and resize the background image (if necessary)
  • Set the redirect link

2. Customizing the countdown numbers

  • Select the font, size, and color of the numbers
  • Select the components to display: days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Each component can be removed or added as needed, including the number of digits to display.
  • Indicate how the numbers should be positioned. You can click directly on a component in the top preview and move it anywhere you want inside the gray box.

3. Configuring the text

The same principle as the numbers applies: 

  • Select the components to display: days, hours, minutes, and seconds. 
  • Each can be removed, added, or edited as needed.  
  • You can also add text components, such as “HURRY!” to your countdown. 
  • If you want to add an expression, you’ll need to add a component for each of the words in the expression.